Certificate of Participation: Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution, University of Reading, U.K.
(18th July 2022 - 20th July 2022)
Certificate of Participation: EvoGamesPlus Winter School (Online), November 2021.
Certificate of Participation: Information, Black Holes and Quantum Theory: Theoretical Physics at the Crossroads,
(March 26-30, 2018) Organized by National Centre of Mathematics and Abus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GCU, Lahore.
Certificate of Participation: Workshop Series on Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (2nd),
(February 17, 2018) Organized by Dr. Akbar Zada, Department of Mathematics, University of Peshawar.
Certificate of Participation: First Winter Workshop on Advanced Topics in Mathematics: Commutative Algebra and Banach Space Theory,
(December 26-29, 2017) Organized by National Center of Mathematics and Abus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GCU, Lahore.
Certificate of Participation: Five Days Workshop on Analysis, Algebra, and Geometry,
(August 15-19, 2017) at Abus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GCU, Lahore.
Certificate of Participation: Workshop Series on Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (1st),
(May 05, 2017) Organized by Dr. Akbar Zada, Department of Mathematics, University of Peshawar.
Honor of Participation: Youth Seminar on Baluchistan Towards Brighter Horizon,
(August 13, 2016).
Certificate of Participation: International Workshop on Pak-Afghan Conflict Transformation and Resolution,
(May 19, 2015) at University of Peshawar.
Certificate of Merit: 1st Position in 10th C Section in BISE Examination 2009-10, GHSS No.1 Peshawar Cantt.