Welcome to my page!
I am a Research Associate and PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Liverpool, UK.
Research Interests
My research interest lies in mathematical modelling of real-world problems. Currently, I am developing mathematical frameworks for stochastic and deterministic processes, such as ecological and eco-evolutionary systems on networks, epidemics, and vaccination—often supported by real and/or synthetic data.
For my past research activities, please see Past Research Activities.
Research Outputs
Journal Articles
- Wajid Ali, Christopher Overton, Robert Wilkinson, Kieran Sharkey (2024). Deterministic epidemic models overestimate the basic reproduction number of observed outbreaks, Journal of Infectious Disease Modelling. link
- Karan Pattni, Wajid Ali, Mark Broom, Kieran Sharkey (2023). Eco-evolutionary dynamics in finite network-structured populations with migration, Journal of Theoretical Biology. link
- Christo Morison, Małgorzata Fic, et al., and Wajid Ali (2024). Public Goods Games in Disease Evolution and Spread. arXiv link
Under Preparation
- Modelling Delphi’s COVID-19 survey data to uncover drivers behind mixed responses to vaccination
- Modelling plants and insect herbivores’ response to microbiomes
Research Visits
- IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain (Oct 2023 - Nov 2023)
- University of Turin, Turin, Italy (Feb 2023 - Mar 2023)
- City, University of London, London, UK (Apr 2023 - Jul 2023)
Leadership Roles
- Leader and Correspondent, “Review Paper: Public Goods Games in Disease Evolution and Spread” at MSCA-EvoGamesPlus Consortium (2023-2024)
- PGR Representative at Staff-Student Liaison Committee, University of Liverpool (2022-2023)
- ESR Representatives at MSCA-EvoGamesPlus Consortium (2021-2022)
- Head and Founder of The Maths Volunteers Foundation (2020-)
Selected Talks
- July 15, 2024: Modeling attitude towards vaccination, PhD Symposium, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
- January 22, 2024: Modelling attitude towards vaccination, EvoGamesPlus Winter School 2023, Szeged, Hungary.
- November 30, 2023: Deterministic epidemic models overestimate the basic reproduction number of observed outbreaks, Epidemics: 9th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics 2023, Bologna, Italy.
- April 24, 2023: A modelling framework of eco-evolutionary dynamics in finite network-structured populations with migration, Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution – MPDEE 2023, Marseille, France.
- April 13, 2023: Deterministic epidemic models overestimate the basic reproduction number of observed outbreaks, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy.
- January 25, 2023: More accurate estimation of the basic reproductive ratio from epidemic incidence data using a model conditioned on major outbreaks, MathBio Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
- November 21, 2022: More accurate estimation of the basic reproductive ratio from epidemic incidence data using a model conditioned on major outbreaks, EvoGamesPlus Winter School, Ploen, Germany.
Please see Talks for a complete list of talks.
Code Repositories on GitHub
Employment and Education
Awards and Certificates
Volunteer Activities
I grew up in an underdeveloped and educationally disadvantaged area. From 2013 to 2020, I dedicated my summer vacations to teaching deserving students of all levels. Inspired by this passion for education and a passionate group of friends, we established The Maths Volunteers Foundation.
Office: 515 Mathematical Sciences Building, Peach Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZL, England, United Kingdom
Email: wajidaliuop22 [at] gmail.com
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are looking for master’s or PhD scholarships. I will guide you. You may also connect with me on social media.