Wajid Ali

Welcome to my page!
I am a Research Associate and PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Liverpool, UK.

Research Interests

My research interest lies in mathematical modelling of real-world problems. Currently, I am developing mathematical frameworks for stochastic and deterministic processes, such as ecological and eco-evolutionary systems on networks, epidemics, and vaccination—often supported by real and/or synthetic data. For my past research activities, please see Past Research Activities.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

Research Visits

Leadership Roles

Selected Talks

Please see Talks for a complete list of talks.

Code Repositories on GitHub

Employment and Education

Awards and Certificates

Volunteer Activities

I grew up in an underdeveloped and educationally disadvantaged area. From 2013 to 2020, I dedicated my summer vacations to teaching deserving students of all levels. Inspired by this passion for education and a passionate group of friends, we established The Maths Volunteers Foundation.


Office: 515 Mathematical Sciences Building, Peach Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZL, England, United Kingdom
Email: wajidaliuop22 [at] gmail.com

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are looking for master’s or PhD scholarships. I will guide you. You may also connect with me on social media.

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